Styling the Mood
People ask me about how I approach my shootings for clothing brands. Often I work with clothing that is not practical. Beautiful, yes but definitely special occasions. We also have clothing that does not necessarily fits my kids’ personalities. However I feel that fashion should be diverse and fun. I like my kids to go out of their comfort zones so I encourage it.
What’s your vibe
I feel like any clothing can be worn anytime. My one rule is to not be underdressed. However with my own children what we try to do is tell a story. I feel like telling a story is a lot of what content creating is. I’m trying to show other moms how clothing can look on their kids, as inspiration. So how do you want your photos to appeal?

authenticity is best
So typically I pick an idea I’m trying to invoke, from there I pick a location. I’ve spoken about my photography style before I try to use natural light as much as possible so I don’t have to edit too much of the photos. I feel like working as natural as possible with children, to show their radiating beauty.
copy the look
In the next Minitorial I call Emerald Hill. I’m trying to have a look of film done on digital photography. I actually started out in my journey of taking photos using film as a medium. As much I would to use film, the constraints make it not as favourable. It would take too much time for me. So what I do is try to mimic that look of film photography.

film like presets
Every film had a distinctive interpretation of colours. I find that I particularly love the characteristics of Fuji and Portra. They just evoke warmth and I think there’s a lot of the mood you can pick up. I have spoken about Lightroom before and how it’s essential to digital photography. However a big tip I can give to you is to purchase Mastin Labs presets. His presets make achieving this film look quite possible.