Hey there, fashion lovers! 🌸
As a parent with Korean roots, I’ve found a delightful way to keep our traditions alive during our summer trips to Korea – by dressing my kids in Hanbok! It’s not just about the gorgeous and colorful outfits; it’s about cherishing our heritage and passing down our cultural identity to the next generation.
hanbok seoul
Every summer, as we stroll through the lively streets of Korea, my kids proudly don their Hanboks, and it warms my heart to see them embrace our traditions with such enthusiasm. Not only does it spark conversations with locals who appreciate our commitment to our roots, but it also fosters a deeper connection to our heritage for my little ones. Plus you can go to the Palace free without paying admission. So, if you ever visit Korea in the summer, consider joining us in this beautiful tradition of keeping Hanbok alive and celebrating our culture in style!