Let’s talk legal
Like you I never thought about this kind of stuff. This is so not fabulous but it’s an issue that should be addressed. Anyways, we’re talking about child modeling and acting. So if you in USA you will most likely need a permit. Your agency should help you get that. I also have bad news for those kids living outside of America or living in the USA but is not a citizen, to work as a child legally in America you must be a citizen.

Before you breakout that passport
I have seen some interesting things like companies in Europe/UK that promise meetings with the hottest casting directors for your shot at Hollywood Stardom! Especially since living in European Union, I realize that this a dream for many kids. Kids really want to be famous and go on the Disney Channel and you know “blow up”. I don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble but to work in the United States you need American citizenship. However if you have been casted for a movie sometimes film has different rules from tv and print. Often film production crews will get you a working visa but that’s only for that time filming is taking place.
Focus on America
There are laws in America one of them is called Coogan’s Law. Coogan’s law is to protect the welfare of the child so not only does it stipulate legal working hours but the child with have access to a teacher and health provider on set. So first parents must get their children a permit from the state licensing board so the child can “work”. Then the parent must also set up a custodial account where 15% of the payment goes to directly and only the child can access this account when they turn 18.
Coogan’s Law
This law is named after Jackie Coogan a child actor in the 1940’s. When the Hollywood entertainment industry was young, there were a lot of child actors (TV shows like The Little Rascals). Many of these kids never saw a penny because their moms and dads spent all their money. Actors like Mickey Rooney (appearing often with Judy Garland) made tons of movies, and not only did his parents take his earnings but he gave up his childhood for being the breadwinner for the family. Even up to the 1980’s and 1990’s parents were taking advantage of their children and earnings, so that’s why these laws are now in place and so heavily scrutinized.
Next time we’ll discuss
Working conditions and requirements vary from country to country. I think for most part I see kids have fun on shoots in most of the locations we have been. However next time I will elaborate differences of industry in Europe and Asia.