Working with KIDS
Most of the popular brands of kids clothes will have someone called a KID Wrangler. This person is a who’s there to get those lovely candid moments of laughter and joy. That’s why the photos have so much feeling in them. The kid wrangler has entertained the child into giving that genuine moments of whatever feeling the brand wants. The photographer is there to capture it!

Tips you can do
Food have plenty of it. You must bring snacks, lots of snacks. Typically ones that don’t have too much sugar because you might get some crazy kind of reaction from too much of it. Also be reminded that kids may wipe their fingers on the clothes. So get something that is small and can be held in the hand without messiness.
Finally, another aspect is a meal. If the shoot is 4 hours long you should have some small meals to keep up energy. Try small pizzas or sandwiches, make sure they don’t wear the clothing while eating.
- Let’s get what’s in my hand. Or which hand has the M&M in it?
- Close your eyes when I count close them when I count one two three you open them
- Pretend to be animal, let me guess what you are
- Let’s play telephone you tell whisper in the other kid’s ear something funny
- I’ve hidden a small toy, you try to find it
- Let’s throw the ball back and forth with mom

I usually play kid friendly pop music. You can play old fashioned kids songs. I prefer the latest KIDZ BOP because the kids usually like it the most. I might blow bubbles but bubbles can be scary. They can go from fun to almost a crazy state of children getting upset due to the frenzy. So keep in mind you are trying to maintain a level of happy energy, do not overstimulate. That’s why I recommend the kids get plenty of breaks when you’re working with them. Have the child with a partner and have the kids take turns. Have the moms dress their child and take a break while you take photos of the other child.

I usually have a little goody bag at the end of the shoot. Trendy toys like popits or fidget toys are a great reward. Since mom doesn’t usually like to buy this kind of junk. It’s a great reward for little ones. I also use them as inspiring better behaviour. I always say “If you take these photos and work with me, I will give this to you after the shoot'” Never ever give the reward in the beginning of the shoot, even if a child demands it.

If a child throws a tantrum, it’s best to either give a break and try once more. However if that doesn’t work. It’s best to move this child feels overly stressed and it’s way too much pressure for them. The parent may be disappointed but as a photographer you don’t warm to harm a child unnecessarily.