It’s that time again
I forgot how to do it all.
Maybe I didn’t want to do it this, at all LOL. It’s definitely a labour of love.
If your someone who’s now working in the modeling industry but needs to move agencies or needs to go into a new market, you may think about making a new portfolio.
Putting it together
Compiling photos for your child’s portfolio and submitting them to agencies always take some work. These are some helpful tips.
Take down all the current measurements, as height, weight, clothing and shoe size.

Try to have the newest photos possible. For kids especially, they grow so fast and so much, all photos should be in timeframe up to 12 months. Make sure you include adequate number of headshots and body shots.

However also submit past photos that were exceptional as they came from a photographer or good brand.
Finally submit your digitals (which is a natural photo no make up or filter).

At the end compile a list of past clients.

Hopefully your done
All of these are a good approach to a new portfolio.