So how would you describe what I look for in my search for the perfect Christmas morning? I grew up in the German tradition of opening our presents on Christmas Eve (Sylvester) and we didn’t have stockings. So I always dreamed of a stocking with my name embroidered hanging on the fireplace waiting to be filled with the cutest things.
At our home we have the traditions of Sylvester, Santa and stockings. We party on Christmas Eve, but then Santa’s presents and filled stockings are delivered by the morning of December 25th. On Christmas Day there’s tons of fun for the kids to open gifts and play with them.
Let’s go over how you can get some pretty cool and unique items that are not so expensive to fill those stockings and also under the Christmas tree.
Now about our favorite treats, I know many of us who live in our home countries that we have stores we take for granted (as an American it’s strange to me that so many tourists love Victoria’s Secret and Abercrombie & Fitch, I don’t get it at all).
However when we travel, my favourite souvenirs are from local brands that I can’t get so easily back at home. I do that a lot with food, I research something like “best foods of ______” or go look online at UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists for ideas. Then I google where to buy the best of these items and I make sure to buy these delicacies. I also do this for my kids. Usually I look up best children places to go, but also look for brands that are local to that country. My kids love to reminisce about these experiences, eating food at these places, and when they look at their clothing (or toys) they get a happy memories.
best korean mom gifts
Smiggle though always reminds us of the time my daughter had her dream shoot in Australia and of all our family vacations to South East Asia. I don’t think many people realize this but Smiggle is really big in Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong, and now it’s in the UK. What’s great is that they actually have things that can help children with school so it’s not only cute but useful. Kids become motivated in their school work when you get them a gadget pencil case or those cute erasers. I bought for my daughter an alarm clock (she needs it!), and both kids these little lockers. This year I am also stuffing their stockings with pens, slime, and other kid pleasers.

Another little secret of mine is a website called Trouva. It’s almost like being able to shop in the hippest little town in the world. Trouva has the cutest boutiques, but they’re online and you can find the best curated products. It is so awesome because I can buy things from UK even during Covid! This Christmas I bought these 2 clever products and both are also suitable for adults like this super cool smartphone projector and fun to predict the weather cloud. I also love that I shop from Spain with all that Barcelona style! The same goes for independent shops in Germany and France, and conveniently it can be delivered to your home with a small shipping fee! I’ve been able to source such original unique things by shopping small.

Pampering for all ages
Finally for something fun you can also try non-toxic bath products and cosmetics. I totally love bath bombs and they are so much fun you could actually even make them with your kids (google is my best friend). I think many of us are stuck at home, so let’s bring the salon home! For fun I’ve painted like my kids hair with these cool colors by Original Stationery. They are washable so we can colour their hair any time. However I save the best for last nothing is better to pamper but I really love a company called Miss Nella. They are non-toxic and the nail polish just peels off and the colours are so cute and so sweet. It’s just so perfect for your little ones.

I hope I gave you some good little ideas, no need to stress anymore! See you after Christmas Santa!