The school bus
It all started there! That’s where so many of us got to learn all hot gossip. Usually you also picked up some swear words. Kids now these days get all their 411 (okay dating my self!) on what they should be watching on Youtube. What’s the latest discussion about? Well it’s December, so…
It’s that time of the year again
I think we have been there! Some big mouth has told all the kids that Santa is not real. Now I’m a mom but I still believe in Santa. I think though it’s hard for littles at age 6. They want to look cool and go along with those bigger kids. Then let’s be honest so many things like the internet that can also bust our bubbles. So how do we fix that?
Don’t stop believing
For me not the fact that whether somebody or someone doesn’t exist. We adults believe and take pleasure in many kinds of artificial entertainment. All of us participate in some form of escapism. I can’t control every thing my kids are exposed too. However if anything I would love to keep these good feelings from childhood.
Hold on to that feeling
We think of Santa as some fat old white guy. To me he signifies a representation of the generosity spirit and hope I had as a child. When the very thought of just being good would get me a doll. Life was so simple back then, and I treasure those feelings. Christmas encapsulates the of naivety that I once had before I became so jaded. So I hope that you agree with me on this, believe in Santa! For a moment, let’s all be children again.

We have also struggled with this in the last year, so many kids not believing and ruining the magic for others who do. I just tell Liv that there are always going to be people who ‘don’t believe in Santa’ just like in all the Christmas movies, which means that those of us that ‘do believe’, have to believe with all our hearts no matter what anyone else says, so the spirit and magic of Christmas can live on for everyone!!!
I feel you it’s hard in Asia too! Kids come from so many nationalities and religions