my story
I took the piano for ten years but I haven’t played it since the day I stopped at 17 years old. It’s great I can read music and play Für Elise. If I had to do it all over again, prescribing to Korean kids playbook for getting into a decent university maybe I would chose another instrument. Piano is hard because it’s so sedentary. You can’t lug it around.
Thinking 2 steps ahead
Since I mentioned how inconvenient it is to play the piano because of it’s size I would recommend something portable. I think violin and guitar are also good instruments to play. However your child will have more leverage out of a guitar then violin. Chances are they will have more chances to play the guitar in adulthood. Keep in mind the costs of the instrument and lessons. The piano is usually quite expensive to purchase as well as a violin. As your child grows you will have to acquire the appropriate size.
Don’t forget Lessons
Instrument instruction is something that you can really hold in a group lesson. So get ready for the cost of private lessons, which can cost around $120 an hour for piano! Don’t get too scared! Some schools also offer free instruction for instruments in orchestra and marching band. Most Korean moms usually don’t pick marching band instruments. I think it’s because it doesn’t have that classical wow factor. However if a band instrument is free (or part of tuition) of your school, I think this could work for your child.
Another Tip
Setting your child apart by picking an instrument that is not widely played by other children. Please don’t choose the cymbals as it doesn’t involve too much dedication, also hearing problems in the future. Not only can it make your child more unique compared to other applicants. Perhaps your child could even get a scholarship because they need someone who plays that instrument in the university marching band.