As I get older I realize that
I’m getting stuck in my ways and for the most part I find that’s the case for most people. For some reason I think we are more intolerant of each other actually than ever before. I remember growing up and telling my parents things, and I would think these people are so old fashioned. Yet I realize now I’m acting very similar to them in my old(er) age.
Haven’t we evolved?
It’s interesting because people are allowed to be so different now. Beginning with Generation X we have the ability now to be more outspoken about our personal choices. We are all supposed to be more inclusive. There are messages of kindness and quotes about solidarity on every Instagram post I see. Yet many of us wouldn’t stop and help someone in need for a person with another view from our own. So how can we all coexist together?
no one cares about grandma anymore
I think a big problem is the lack of respect and dismissal of older people. American society as a whole has just done away with terms of respect we give to older people. Although for sure, we need to respect our children and their voices, I often see parents focusing more on what their children want versus what they need. We as parents are the adults. Adults can vote, drive, have credit histories, there is a reason why children can not. So since we are the adults we need to make the best possible choices for them. I see many parents making choices deemed by their children.
Parenting is done by parents
Successful parenting is a long term goal. It’s not immediate gratification. It’s okay if your child is upset with you and doesn’t like you. I remember my own father (the wisest man I know NOW, but back in the day he was PIA) once told me my job is to make you independent and thoughtful contributing member of society by age 18. A big part of that is having the maturity to accept that some people may not agree with you and that’s fine. The biggest part to rational behaviour is not trying to change someone else’s opinion. Above all it’s not reacting in a way that is personally harmful to you.

Accepting yourself
As we get older a lot of things evolve, so do our opinions and how they change. I hope that I’m one of those people that can also be stay modern and stay young in my thinking. Try to do better, always not to be stuck and keep saying “well I did it like this my whole life, so why do I have to change now?” I have low expectations. Since getting older I will also accept another character defect stubbornness.
how to try to do better
We need to stand up for people to make the ability to have their own choices. If the consequences are there we also need to accept them. However we can all coexist together. We talk about being kind, but it begins at home. Before you tell the other person what’s wrong with them. Let them speak first and really listen. Being judgmental is the exact opposite of what showing acceptance.
So for both sides, if you don’t want to really be kind. If you don’t want to hear another view. Then don’t say anything at all.