Just recently we had the experience of losing a beloved member of the family. Now this soul wasn’t a human, but our dear dog. I have experienced loss of my own parent and of a boyfriend while we were dating. I would think that I would be prepared for anything at this point. However the hurt in the loss of my Louis was devastating.
Tips for kids
I actually think my kids took it much easier than me. They have already talked about a replacement! To me it feels like sacrilegious to even think of moving on from my beloved companion. I have to keep reminding myself they are only kids and not go postal on them. So because the children’s emotional needs are met, I would say keep the focus on you.
Celebrate life
I decided to write an obituary, and that made me feel 100 times better. What made me feel even better were all the replies. So many of us been there, and it was nice to be consoled. I also was able to bring Lou to life again by telling others about him.
Here it is… THe Life of louis
Yesterday the world sadly lost a Shih Tzu Living Legend, and we lost the soul of our family. Louis was our beloved son, brother and best friend. Our family has been so lucky to have him be a part of our lives.
Louis came to us when he was already five years old from a rescue shelter. His first life included slave work at a Puppy Mill where he was forced into mass reproduction. When he finally came to us, he had lived in a cage his entire life. Abused, he lacked sight in one eye and didn’t know how to go up or down any stairs. He had been shown no love by humans.
World Traveller
Since adoption in 2009, Lou has lived more lives than any little Shih Tzu from humble beginnings. Across a span of 3 continents and 4 countries, he has become a legend of endurance and spirit. He was the oldest dog at the vet, the respected elder of the neighbourhood, and a survivor of cancer as well as several moving vehicle violations.
However to us his humans, he was forever loyal standing by our side making sure that we were safe. Louis had an uncanny 6th sense to alert mom to dangers that rescued the entire family.
Silver Lining
Finally we can see the Silver Lining of the past two years with Covid lockdown. All of us have been at home more than any time of our lives, and he was able to spend that time with his family. Thank you pandemic for the bonus time that we got to spend with him.
Rainbow Bridge
Louis was the unbreakable soul of our family and he taught us what real selfless love is. Now it’s his time for rest and peace. Lou we know that you will be waiting patiently for us at the Rainbow Bridge. Thank you so much for taking care of us, and for always guiding us. You have shown us countless times our next best action.
If any of you would like to celebrate the life of Louis.
I would recommend eating greedily anything you can find in the kitchen before you get caught while thinking of him.

thank you for letting me share
Please consider adopting a rescue dog. Many people don’t know this but you can also find purebred puppies and dogs at many animal organizations such as rescues and shelters. Louis was an adult dog who lived another 12 years, so please don’t be afraid to adopt an older dog. There’s a line “Who rescued who?” You will understand the lesson in love that comes with adopting a dog that really needs you.