stuff you can’t control
Let’s talk about updates and issues as industry kids who consistently change by growing older. They grow and change their clothing sizes, their faces change especially their teeth (yes, I have even brought fake teeth with me to the set). But there are so many other things we can’t control.
World Pandemic
Most recently it’s been Covid 19, the uncertainty your child gets confirmed for for a job but now there’s more things that could go wrong now. The travel factor, chances are if you have to go somewhere and there may be a quarantine. Then other factors perhaps someone gets sick, your child, someone at the shoot, the a parent of someone in your kid’s class…
As a mom of models for the past five years I’ve had so many different things happened to us. We have been on location shoots stuck on a bus for hours or even worse a dirty cold studio. I have had agent’s complain about my child’s behaviour. I am still traumatized by the bad haircuts and hairdos, and for being scolded for letting my kids get too tan. The list goes on and on…
I think it’s really hard not to take things too personally. I don’t share a lot of it from my own kids. You know so many things don’t seem stupid but at the moment it mean’s everything.
The thing to recognize for the most part, adults (including parents)should be more understanding with children. The market that we usually shoot in China, they usually want a very well behaved child. Before you apply please know your kids limitations and understand that these are our kids. We have to protect them. Put ourselves in their shoes and realize what what they’re doing is not what normal children do.
Be An AMbassador mom
However if you want your kids to be taken seriously and as professional then you must graciously accept criticism. Afterall anybody can be easily replaced and in reality there are tons of kids willing to take the job. I myself am always so grateful when the kids get chosen for anything, I don’t take any of it for granted #weareambassadorkids.
finally something moms can control
When you do your updates, make sure:
- Hair and face are clean, make sure hair is combed
- Shoot with some natural light, but not too much natural light that you make them squint and the sunlight is too harsh
- Don’t wear fancy clothes, hats, sunglasses
- The last thing don’t use filters

If any of you ever need a kind supporting word, drop me an email or go to the forum. I want this to be a #momcommunity