Are You an Ambassador Mom/KID?
Hi There!
I’m Jane.
I am an American mom of 2 kids.
My kids have had opportunities in the modelling industry in several countries. I wanted to start this blog to help and support parents within the industry or for those who would like to try. By creating a community we can be the change, our actions can promote best practices and behaviours.
I have been extremely lucky to meet so many amazing moms from all over the world. By sharing our experiences perhaps we can help others who have not felt the same amount of support. That said I think a huge part of success is determined by your location, so I will be talking about race, nationalities and skin tone on this blog in relation to each market.
My intent with this blog is to spread positive energy always. Unfortunately I have seen negativity and over zealous competitiveness amongst moms and that’s something we can’t pass down to our kids. I want you to know I only want the best for everyone and if you are reading this I hope you feel the same. This is the most important quality required of being an ambassador moms and kid.
I hope you join me!
Please keep in mind, I fully support the BLM movement, and my commentary about what is happening in these places doesn’t mean that I agree with it. As a visitor to any country please note that as guest, you must be respectful to their laws and customs. As opportunities arise for global travel as parents we must understand circumstances before we agree to them.