We were first introduced to Animal Rights Korea @ark_animalrightskorea
By @1tonymedina @volunteerkorea
ARK took over a former dog meat farm with 150 dogs, and has made into a haven for animals.
This summer we were in Seoul, South Korea. As you know about my mother, she would volunteer us to do anything.
The tradition continues.
I know for some Koreans; dog ownership is not popular. However, living in Korea our family always had dogs.
Many of you know how much we love and miss our shih tzu Louis. He was a rescue, we got him from a shelter.
This is why the kids and I have so much, respect and gratitude for ARK.
These dogs are sweet and gentle with children, they deserve a good home.
The kids and I enjoyed spending meaningful time with each other at the shelter. They have begged me to go several times since then.
Please adopt don’t shop. If you are like us and for the moment can’t have a dog. Then please consider devoting some time or donating materials. It’s a great way to volunteer with your children.